Time to start engaging with your customers

How Important Is Brand Value & Engagement With Social Media


Are you doing enough brand engagement?

Today, brand value is more important than ever when it comes to social media. Think about how you've interacted with companies when using Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. We tend to engage with companies we're already familiar with or those that have been recommended by a friend or colleague. As a business owner, brand specialist or marketing professional, you need to be actively engaging with your followers.


Engagement isn’t difficult, but you must have a plan. Think why people follow you online, develop content that is interesting and useful to their way of life. Start developing content on social media that brings value to your followers, this can be in the form of text, graphics, videos, images or a combination of them. Provide value and substance. Once someone responds with a comment, take action. A simple thanks is better than nothing, if you can add more to your comment the better.

Those introduced to your brand are more likely to spend time on your page if they see you’re engaging with followers.


Thinks as a consumer, do you like to be sold to? NO. So this is the easiest way to lose followers, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve unfollowed or unliked a page on social media because they are constantly pushing product or services. When you’re posting organic content, DON’T SELL, educate & entertain. Provide valuable content that will engage with your followers.

When you want to sell your service or product, use ads. Setup a remarketing campaign targeting engaged users on your profiles and develop ads that will sell. You have a much better chance of selling your product or services so someone how is already engaged with your brand.



Let’s look at Facebook as an example, one of the most popular things to do on Facebook is to “look for recommendations”. Reason being is users are lazy and trust what their friends say. Why search for something yourself when we can ask others to send us the information we need. This makes the recommendations feature attractive on Facebook. Instantly your network will respond with their recommendations and “tag” you in their post. Instantly your brand is center stage to the person who asked for the recommendation but also everyone who engaged with that post. This is a pivotal moment, you can choose to ignore or you can do the smart thing; respond and take the effort to engage a new potential customer.

As social media grows and evolves, brand recognition and engagement are going to become more and more important. If you’re not involved with social media now, you’re already behind. It’s never too late to start, but start now.

How Important Is Brand Value & Engagement With Social Media 1Jeff Irvine
Founder – InnoVision
Sacramento 916-662-7491
Petaluma 707-981-7272

InnoVision is a full service digital agency that provides internet marketing services, SEO, Local SEO, website development, graphic design, branding, social media marketing, search engine marketing and more from our Sacramento and Petaluma locations.

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