what are you doing to attract new takeout orders

Tips On MARKETING your restaurant COVID-19




Restaurants are one of the hardest hit industries right now during COVID-19. It’s a challenge with restaurant marketing during COVID-19. You’re struggling with two choices, close your doors or offer take out & delivery. The problem most restaurants have is if you’re not known for takeout & delivery, most aren’t thinking of you when it’s time for dinner. Those that traditionally are known for takeout & delivery are filling those orders.

Marketing restaurants during COVID-19 doesn’t have to be complicated, it has to be creative.

Remember, you have tremendous opportunity to build your brand during this time. COVID-19 can be a blessing for the future growth of your restaurant.

Here’s where being top of mind is essential. Most take out dinners are decisions made at the time, not planned for. People will decide what type of food they want to eat, then decide on the restaurant.  The goal during COVID-19 is being that restaurant they instantly think about when they’re ready to order.

Here are some creative ideas to engage locals and build top of mind awareness for your business while marketing your restaurant during COVID-19.

  • Online Cooking demonstrations with the Chef
  • Weekly Recipes
  • Paid Online Cooking lessons
  • 3 course prefixed meals
  • “Date night at home meal”
  • Wine Pairings with your meal
  • Special offers (free item when you purchase entrees.
  • Take photos of meals
  • Take video of preparation
  • Video’s of the chef talking about where ingredients are sourced & how to use them
  • Offer a discount card for front line workers
    • A flat fee or generous percentage off any meals



Use short concise invitations to things you’re doing online, link to videos, your website and social channels. Invite them to follow you. Let them know about upcoming specials  for the week.


People are eating constantly; you can easily get away with sending multiple emails a week as long as they’re about different topics. Drive them to your website, give them a reason to follow you on social media.

Social Media

This is huge for marketing your restaurant during COVID-19. This is an opportunity you don’t want to waste. Remember, people eat with their eyes. You should be using video and images daily, all throughout the day. Show people how the food gets to you and from you to them.

You need to be posting all the time. Instead of people asking what they’re in the mood for, you want them saying “we should order from (your restaurant) tonight!

Unfortunately, restaurants are going to have a very hard time coming out of this. Even as shelter in place orders are lifted, people are still going to be cautious of getting too close to others. You may have to reduce the number of tables, take extra precautions to welcome patrons back but social media will be your best friend during and after COVID-19.

That being said, the effort you put in now to be memorable will pay huge dividends when life does get back to normal. People will be tired of eating at home, they’ll be looking for restaurants. If they follow you now, feel comfortable in your efforts to keep them safe, they will reward you by visiting your establishment.

Remember, if you’re doing something creative or something no one else is doing. Call your local radio, print and television stations. Let them know, just possibly they’ll send someone out to do a story on you.

Fill out the form below and I’ll email you tips directly

Restaurant Marketing During COVID-19 1Jeff Irvine
Founder – InnoVision
Sacramento 916-662-7491
Petaluma 707-981-7272

InnoVision is a full service digital agency that provides internet marketing services, SEO, Local SEO, website development, graphic design, branding, social media marketing, search engine marketing and more from our Sacramento and Petaluma locations.

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